A Festive Home for the Holidays

christmas tree in home living room with fireplace

Can it be Christmastime already? You’d better believe it. It’s time to celebrate, and you don’t have to spend a bundle to make the yuletide fun. So, jump in!

Spin the tunes. Nothing but nothing keeps the holiday vibe going like good music. But you don’t have to stick to the old standards. With a subscription service and a Bluetooth speaker, you can stream a steady flow of classical, carols, jazz, standards and even international Christmas music every waking hour, and without repeating the same old Perry Como and Brenda Lee.

Little touches. A little greenery here, a string of lights there, and your home can say, “Christmas” nearly everywhere for very little money. Simplicity reigns here—one well-placed candle does a lot more than a garish blinking wreath. But do get nice wreath for the front door. They make such a great impression.

Gifts are good. Instead of focusing just on your family, find a small gift that you can give anonymously to your neighbors, just to say, “Merry Christmas” and add some joy to their day. Add a hand-written note on Christmas-themed paper, and you’ll make everyone who gets one smile!

Oh yeah, food. Keep some (not a lot) of holiday-themed food around. A little candy, some cookies. C’mon, it’s Christmas. Live a little and enjoy it. It’s gone before you know it!


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